Might be a slight loading time, so enjoy my dancing pre-loader! 
Main Menu
Main Menu
Character Select - Story
Character Select - Story
Character Select- Multiplayer
Character Select- Multiplayer
Amai Demo
Amai Demo
Minor Bugs
-When clicking "Cool, Let's Go", sometimes it gets stuck on that page but plays main menu music
- Character Select Story - When a character is selected, sometimes their unlockable skin pops up on screen even without having to complete the quiz
- Multiplayer - After P2 is picked, P1 cannot pick anymore, but you can still pick for P2 and customize
- Multiplayer - When you back out and return to multiplayer and select a character, that same character is selected for P1 and P2 
-After finishing Amai's demo, sometimes button roll-overs get stuck
-After finishing  Amai's demo, replaying the demo will cause "Day 1" scene and alarm clock sound to keep playing, so it is recommended to refresh page

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