Amai Shinigami The Reapers Spawn
Amai is the youngest spawn of Mr. Shinigami. She was put on earth to experience life as a normal teenager while incorporating her culture from Hell. The society Amai lives in has adopted accommodation to a variety of groups. She can peacefully go on with her day to day life as long as she does not kill anyone that gets in her way with her trusty scythe Poku-Poku
My Plans for Her
I always envisioned funny animated shorts or comics about her daily life adventures on Earth. I was inspired by Mr. Bean, a famous English sitcom starring a silly silent odd man. I wanted to adopt those characteristics and imply them into Amai. She is a small cute little grim reaper, but many people view the grim reaper as a scary figure.

Character Sheet Summer 2020

First Character Design Spring 2018